Monday, April 22—

Sunday, April 28, 2024

In today’s rapidly evolving technological landscape, it’s crucial to understand Artificial Intelligence (AI) is no longer just an option—it’s a necessity.

Yet, many educators understandably find themselves grappling with the complexities of AI, unsure of how to harness its power effectively in the classroom. A lack of AI literacy can lead to irresponsible AI usage in the classroom or a missed opportunity to utilize an effective tool; however, since AI is still in its infancy, AI literacy is not a commonly taught practice yet.

Dr. Thomas Dyer, in this enlightening 20-Minute Mentor session, navigates participants through the intricate world of AI, breaking down complex technical jargon and shedding light on its profound impact on education. By demystifying technical concepts and providing actionable insights, Dr. Dyer empowers instructors to embrace AI as a valuable tool

for enhancing teaching methodologies and student learning experiences

Upon completion of this program, you’ll be able to:

• Understand the foundational concepts driving artificial intelligence and how to demystify technical jargon

• Implement practical strategies and insights into AI literacy

• Explore concepts such as prompt engineering and empowering educators to effectively integrate AI

• Create a forward-thinking perspective on AI’s positive aspects and impacts

• Develop the knowledge and skills needed to navigate the AI landscape as it evolves


Password: literacy48

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